Me fooling around taking pictures of myself after I put on makeup. I've actually had time to do that here! I might just have to keep it up when I get back. You wouldn't believe the attention I got from the girls last night just from putting on some makeup. They both told me I was pretty, were competing to do things for me like get me water, and also competing to sit on my lap and then they'd both just look at me adoringly. It started to make me feel a little weird getting so much attention, so just as an excuse to get away for a sec I told them I had to go to the bathroom (this apartment doesn't have many rooms to escape to). Colette jumps up and says "I'll go get the toilet ready for you!" and runs and puts the toilet seat up!

And Adrienne loved splashing around in the surf! She's the one in the very middle of the picture bending over.