I open to the inner depths of my being with courage and compassion

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Breakin it in

We've been breaking in the house in the few weeks we've lived here. So far Colette and Adrienne have both had bloody noses and Colette, Adrienne, and I all have had sickness that involve throwing up. I'll spare the details of other messes involving bodily functions. But things clean up well and we're all hanging in there. Mike and Edward have been sick too, but different symptoms. I took Edward to the doctor yesterday because I thought he had an ear infection, but it was just a lot of wax build-up causing pressure that was making him swat and pull at his ear.

Thanks to my mom and dad that came to our rescue Tuesday night to take care of the kids while I was sick and Mike was delivering papers for me (thanks to him too for that). And also to my parents for jumping in today when Adrienne fell ill while they happened to be stopping by! We are so blessed to have both sets of our parents living close-by.

1 comment:

Michelle Claire said...

You poor things... I hope you guys are all feeling a little better by now. I hate it when everyone gets sick. It is no fun. I am so glad that you have your parents near and can help you take care of things... I'm thinking about you guys! Good luck with everything!