I just saw the new Batman movie tonight. Wow, so good. Last night Mike and I decided we wanted to see it today and since it was such late notice to try and get a babysitter we tried something new - Mike watched the kids while I went to see an early showing, then he met me at the theater and I took the kids home while he went to watch it (he's there now).
Speaking of movies...I saw an older movie the other night, it was "Mumford" and I thought it was pretty good! At home I can't seem to get myself to sit still to watch a movie unless I'm actually at the theater, but that's one good thing about being here. I'm hoping that I'll learn something from this trip about taking time to take a break and play with the kids more. We've also seen a few movies at this really cool theater that's on the base, that's FREE, and they even have pretty current stuff! We saw "Iron Man", the Narnia movie, Mike and the girls saw "Kung Fu Panda" (I was sick), Mike saw the Zohan movie (not for the kids and I was still sick), and then he went and re-saw the Hulk movie with some co-workers the other night. He'll probably be there every day after we leave. Don't know if I mentioned that, but we'll be driving back Labor Day weekend, and he'll be driving back down here in his car and will be staying at least until Thanksgiving, maybe as long as Christmas. He'll be back a few times to visit and we'll have a webcam set up so he can still interact with the kids. Anyway, back to the theater, I took a picture to show how cool the place is:
I took some pictures of Adrienne to show her tan lines. She looks like she's anorexic, but it's just the angle or something...you'll see in the next picture
See. Her hair's getting lighter from the sun too. My hair used to get sun-bleached every year as a kid too. I just noticed Colette napping on the couch in the background. She quit naps as soon as we got here, but occasionally she falls asleep on the couch.
In an attempt to add some more nutrition to the girls' usual peanut butter sandwich, I came up with the "banana dog". They like it, can't say I would.
Then Sunday I made waffles and the recipe I used was very very very good. It tasted like german pancakes in waffle form. Here's the link
That's a good way to segue to my next random topic. I bought the George Foreman Next Grilleration, and I have to say I LOVE IT. It's fast because it grills both sides at once, easy to clean up (removeable and machine washable plates) and it's diverse- it has waffle plates, so it eliminates another appliance. It's also what I made the kabobs on. I've grilled halibut, chicken, steak, hamburgers...it's AWESOME.
Told you this post would be random. Here's a picture of Colette when she fell asleep one afternoon. She just looked so cute. Sorry about the lack of clothing :-)
It's hard to get pictures of the girls at the pool because I have Edward (Mike is a pooper when it comes to fun in the sun), but here are a few:
Here are some pictures from a walk to a park that's in walking distance of the apartments, and the boardwalk leading to the park from the apartments. The woman in the pictures is my friend that lives here in Coronado, her name is Susan. I mentioned her a few posts back...she's the one that got Edward to sleep at the beach. In this first picture i wanted to show how close this park is to the Coronado bridge (you can see it in the distance behind the trees).
Edward and his blond hair. We went to our church Sunday and this boy that was probably about 10 or 11 came up to Edward and was rubbing his hair and saying something in Spanish (which none of us understands), and then walked away. We think he was saying something about his blond hair. Our church is 5 miles from the US-Mexico border, and it seemed like people almost expected you to speak Spanish since that is what was spoken in the chatter I overheard.
Not sure which ship this is, but it was passing by while we were on our walk
Wow! I love posts with tons of stuff in it... so much more interesting to look at!!! It looks like you guys are having fun! Wish I was there... that beach looked awesome! Someday I'll have a tan again. :)
What a fun summer!
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