I open to the inner depths of my being with courage and compassion

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Little Shop Of Horrors and Heroes

So I've seen "Little Shop of Horrors" with Rick Moranis and Ellen Greene several times...I like the singing, and the two main characters Audrey and Seymour, but the actual storyline is pretty darn creepy, and I'm not usually much for creepy.

I especially idolized Ellen Greene for her singing voice (I've got "Suddenly Seymour" on my playlist), and I'm just wondering if it's because of that, that I noticed in a split second that Sylar's mom last night on "Heroes" was played by Ellen Greene...did anyone else notice? When I told Mike, he said he'd thought she looked familiar.


Emma Bush said...

Amber! I just had so much fun updating myself on what you've been up to! You have been busy! I have been terrible on updating my blog because I have an upcoming fight that was short notice so all my time is going into training. I fight in Indiana next saturday for a show called Hook n Shoot. I've never been to Indiana before, to be honest, I don't even know where it is! Hahaha. Anyways...Heroes...do you keep up on that show? I wish I could but some nights I just go to bed and I found that if I didn't keep up with it I get lost, so Galen and I decided we'll have to rent it and have a little marathon when it comes out on DVD. I should have just emailed you! This is a long comment! Hope you are well!!!

Rachel said...

OMG, I love that movie. It's been forever since I saw it. Did you know it's actually a spoof on the original - which was meant to be a true sci-fi-scary film? Totally B-grade cult film, featuring Jack Nicholson in his first movie role - as the guy at the dentist played by Bill Murray in the musical version. Wow, thanks for the memories, I'm off to add LSOH to my Netflix queue!

The Miller's said...

Oh, that sounds so interesting! Jack Nicholson would be a perfect sadist. Now I'll have to go add that version to MY netflix queue!