I open to the inner depths of my being with courage and compassion

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Thank you Mom and Dad

As we are coming to an end of this year-long project of building our house I have been thinking a lot about my parents' involvement. I just want to say in this public forum (as public as my lowly blog can be) that I am so grateful for their time, expertise, energy, money, love, support, etc., etc., etc. More specifically:

My dad has been an obvious asset this past year. At 67 years old (almost 68 now!) and working here 6 days a week most weeks in all types of weather (he was out here digging to save the basement on the day of the worst storm in 30 years!). Literally putting his blood, sweat, and tears into this home. Dad, I am just so thankful you've come out of this alive (especially considering the fall you took in August)! That may sound like an exaggeration, but I know how you hurt every day you go home from putting in a hard day here. To describe you as a hard-worker is the understatement of the century.

But I also have to give so much credit to my mom who has been working tirelessly behind the scenes and keeping things going smoothly. Putting in hours and hours of groundwork that I didn't even know needed to be done and if she hadn't been doing it we would have been at a stand-still over and over again throughout the year. Making phone calls, literally showing up at people's doors to get answers to tough questions, running errands, doing the bookkeeping, calling to arrange subs, etc., etc., etc!! Also for watching the kids so that Mike and I can work on the house, and chipping in on the work of the house when needed. All this while heading up other projects to help people in need. Mom, I hope to one day have the legacy of charity that you have lived.

I really can't begin to repay you, and so I am just going to pay it forward and try to be the same giving, loving parent for my children that you have been for me.

I love you...Ambergirl

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Wow, you've been BUSY! So fun to see the house progress - and I love the colors you've chosen for your bedrooms. The girls' room is soooo them! Fabulous knitted desserts, too. If I were talented enough, I would make some for them - I've seen patterns, but I just don't have that kind of skill :)