I open to the inner depths of my being with courage and compassion

Monday, January 28, 2008

Another random post from my random brain...

A lot of times when I want to put up a post and don't have time to do it right away, I'll start a draft to remind me of what I was going to write about. But then I'm always paranoid I'm going to hit "publish post" instead of "save now" and not realize it. Paranoid because if I did that my readers would think I'd gone bonkers. This is what you would have read if I had done that today:

2 snopes
trash compactor

If a post as strange as that ever appears when you come to my blog assume my fear came to fruition.

So, what that stuff up there means is - Apparently it snowed quite a bit in some places around here because school was canceled in North Kitsap and Bainbridge, and a friend from somewhere on the east side of the water blogged about it. I was blissfully unaware because it didn't snow at all here! Again, I know I'm the weird one for being happy it didn't snow.

I get the weekly updates from snopes.com and there were two articles in this week's email that I though had some pretty amazing photos and so I wanted to share: This article about foam covering a beach in Austrailia, and some awesome pictures from Antarctica.

I've been doing a lot of online shopping for house-related stuff - a kitchen sink, storage shelves, etc. When I was looking around for trash compactors, I found this...just what I've always wanted! To be able to cut my food on my garbage :-P What whack-job thought of that!?


Michelle Claire said...

Interesting stuff Amber! I love random posts... way more interesting to read! :)

Elizabeth said...

A cutting board on a garbage disposal? That's bizarre.

I LOVE the Antarctica pictures.