I open to the inner depths of my being with courage and compassion

Thursday, November 15, 2007


So adjusting to three has been pretty good - I just keep getting ahead of myself and trying to get right back to a schedule and I have to keep reminding myself that it's only been a matter of days!

I delivered most of my routes on Tuesday night and Mike so kindly delivered part of them as well. I felt really great at the time, but woke up on Wednesday morning and couldn't move for a few minutes because I was so sore. Once I got up I couldn't stand up all the way, but after ibuprofen kicked in I was fine. I've lost 15 lbs this first week, which is about what I'd lose in 2 weeks after the girls...so I'm off to a good start. It's funny because I realized the other day as I was getting in the shower shivering that I hadn't been cold in 9 months! I had my internal heater. Now my feet are constantly cold. Well enough about me.......

Edward is a very easy baby. When I was pregnant he didn't move much and it worried me for a long time. He's pretty much the same! He doesn't like being moved around much, but other than that he doesn't complain except at the expected times. He sleeps really well and I have been getting anywhere from 3-5 hour chunks of sleep at night. I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that he's sleeping with me though. I think once he gets a little more fat on him he will sleep better on his own.

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