I open to the inner depths of my being with courage and compassion

Friday, November 9, 2007

Welcome Edward Lybbert Miller!

First the stats: Born November 8th, 2007 at 9:34 p.m., 8 lbs 11 oz. and 20.5 inches long!
(If you played the guessing game, click on the link below to see the results and your ranking :-)

I'll start with pictures and then if things hold together here long enough I'll write about how things have been :-) So far 3 kids hasn't been too bad, but then I've only been home about an hour...........

A super-close-up

A view of his hair - brown with golden highlights. Adrienne and Colette both had dark brown hair.
One with his eyes open!

So there have been many opinions on who he looks like. I instantly thought Adrienne, especially his puckery mouth. He's got dimples like Colette. His nose reminds me of Mike. So basically he looks like everyone in the family except me :-)

.....Looks like I still have some time to write.

Contractions started yesterday about 4:00 p.m. or so, but were mild. It wasn't until 4:30 that they were strong enough that I was pretty sure I was in labor, so that is when I have been saying that labor started. Just about 5 hours later Edward was born! The girls both took 19 1/2 hours, so I was quite pleased with his speedy arrival. So a little summary to fill in that time between labor starting and his birth...Mike and I arrived at the hospital at about 5:45 and I was at 4 cm and 70% effaced (yay! ready for an epidural). The anesthesiologist got to me by about 6:45 and so I only had to labor hard for about an hour. With the past epidurals it also took about 10 minutes for them to start to work, this one was a little different and worked immediately! That man is an angel :-) From then on out everything was smiles and pleasant and easy. That is why I opt for getting epidurals....it makes the experience serene, and not traumatic. I was also checked around the time of the epidural and was 5 cm and 80% effaced. At about 8:45 or so (so about 2 hours after the epidural) I was checked again and was 7 cm and 100% effaced. So with 3 cm to go everyone seemed to think it could be a little while longer. But about 15 minutes later I was feeling a lot of pressure (the epidural took away the sensation of pain, but not pressure)...so asked the nurse to check me - baby was ready to come SOON! So, the doctor was called, but my regular doctor was at a conference, so another was called in. As soon as he got there and was ready, so was baby and I and about 5 minutes of pushing later baby Edward was born!

Mike was with me for most of the time, except for when he ducked out to get his dinner. Mike's parents were there for awhile and for the birth, and my parents came with the girls near the end and for the birth. They were all off to one side of the room and so had a discreet view. The girls are crazy about their new baby brother...especially Colette, who calls him her baby.

I am doing quite well today, the fact that I needed NO stitches has a lot to do with that. The worst after effect are the contractions I'm having (for those not in the know - happens to get the uterus to shrink back to normal size) - they're about as painful as contractions during labor so I hope they go away soon!

Edward is beautiful, calm, sweet, and perfect. Having a little boy in the family makes our little family feel complete. We look forward to getting to know him!


Anonymous said...


Rachel said...

Yay! Congratulations! He is just perfect. And I adore that first photo of him. Nice work :)

Elizabeth said...

Congratulations! He is beautiful! I'm so pleased everything went well for you.

The Hawkins Gang said...

I was right on the day, just off a little on the time! haha Congratulations, he is beautiful!!

Karla said...

He's so beautiful Amber. Congratulations!