I open to the inner depths of my being with courage and compassion

Thursday, November 15, 2007


I survived my first venture into the world alone with three kids. I went to Costco tonight, Edward didn't make a peep the entire time, and that's no exaggeration. The hardest part was just that I am still sore and so walking around and carrying things have caused me to require the help of ibuprofen...again.

Adrienne got put on the wrong bus today and so was taken back to the school. I would have thought that she would get upset by something like that, but when I picked her up she said that she wasn't scared (although her face did show more concern than I think she was letting on). I'm going to find out what her bus number is so that she can look for that to know she's on the right one.


Rick said...

I remember one time when we thought a neighbor was picking up our daughter at school, but DIDN'T. I couldn't drive fast enough to get there. And there she was - waiting on the playground for us - obviously really scared that she had been forgotten. What a moment. We never trusted the neighbor again.


Emma Bush said...

yay for costco! tell adrienne that i thought she was so brave!