I open to the inner depths of my being with courage and compassion

Saturday, December 29, 2007


I can't say it was a mistake to go last night because if I hadn't I would have been dead tired this morning going on such little sleep and would have to battle with traffic, and it would have dragged on forever. But, it was one of the hardest route nights I've had.

I took Edward with me and when I started to walk down the steps of the porch I slipped and fell down three steps while holding Edward. He was fine, but my back was pretty torqued up and hurt all night, near the end I was barely able to twist my torso to put the papers in the boxes/move the bundles around without groaning in pain. After some ibuprofen, muscle relaxant (valerian root), and aspirin I feel better. I know I'll be more sore than usual for the next week or two, but it's not as painful as it was on route.

Also, it took an extra hour because of the ice and snow, which felt like much more because of going on no sleep. The car was making a loud rumbly noise that had me nervous (explaining it to Mike this morning he thinks it's a wheel bearing). And to top it all off I had a crazy lady following me around on one of my routes. I get that a lot when people think I'm up to no good, but once they see me delivering the papers they usually leave me alone. Not her. I don't know what her problem was, but she was freaking me out and at one point looked like she was going to hit me, which would have been on the side that Edward was on, and the CRX not being a big car had me really worried. So I called 911, and was able to give them her license plate number, and they were going to have someone come patrol the area, but I don't know if anything ever came of it (I was at the end of the route at this point, so didn't stick around to see what happened).

So I slept from 8-9, woke up to nurse Edward, then 9-10, fed Edward again, then 10-11 and then Colette woke up (the girls have been staying up late during the break, so they're getting up really late...Adrienne woke up about noon). So I've had three 1-hour naps basically and I can't wait until it's Colette's naptime!

So there you go, I won't attempt route on no sleep again, and I won't be bringing Edward anymore either - I don't usually, but I didn't want him to be waking up Mike because he needed to work today. We have had family come over and watch the kids Saturday mornings during construction, when the house is done Mike will watch them Saturday mornings again.

Speaking of the house, I still need to put up recent pics...later.

Time to lay on the couch until naptime.


Amber said...

Sorry you had such a rough night. I slipped once holding Drew when he was a new baby and it is so scary, plus you hurt your body more as you try to protect them. Glad you're both ok and hope you can get some rest!

The Miller's said...

I wasn't too worried about him because he was strapped into his car seat, but yes, I probably hurt myself more because of holding him! I did sleep very well last night, but it seems like Edward always wants to wake up 1 hr before my alarm! Oh well....such is the life of a mom of a newborn, but I don't have to tell you that!