I open to the inner depths of my being with courage and compassion

Monday, December 31, 2007

The New Year and My Resolution

I don't usually set New Year's Resolutions. You always hear about people setting resolutions and them being very short lived and I think that's lame. And because if there's something I really want to change I'm not going to wait for a specific day to do it, I'm going to just do it! Well I have something I am trying to change that just so happens to coincide with the New Year so I guess I'll call it a resolution.

I have finally plateaued in my weight loss since I've had Edward, so now I have to kick things up a notch. My goal is to get back to the pre-Adrienne weight that I had never gotten back to between kids by Edward's 1st birthday. Since Edward is maybe the last one there's no excuse anymore.

Notice I said Edward will maybe be the last one instead of probably. I'd thought for about the last year and a half that the third would be the last, but not ruling out a fourth. Just in the last few weeks I'm thinking that we probably will have a fourth, not ruling out that Edward may be the last! We'll see where we are a year from now and then decide. If we are going to have a fourth I want that to happen in the next few years so that all the kids are close and so that I am still pretty young. Well enough about that, I hadn't intended to get into all of that.

So we are just sitting here hanging out, playing Wii, nothing out of the ordinary. Maybe a lame New Year's Eve, but such is our lives these days. Mike will be getting up early-ish to paint the exterior of the house. It would have been today, but the temperature was too cold for the paint to dry. It should be warm enough tomorrow (mid 40's) and then raining on Wednesday! He goes back to work on Wednesday too so he really has to take advantage of this small window of time to paint.

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