I open to the inner depths of my being with courage and compassion

Saturday, June 23, 2007


Today we attended a surprise party for a friend of ours - hope he doesn't kill me for posting this (I'll take it down if you want Brandon :-) This was the invitation card his wife Kanoe gave to the guests. Mike and I thought it was funny enough in itself, but even funnier that it was all being done without Brandon's knowledge!

It was at our church, and we sucessfully surprised him, he seemed pretty confused for awhile...I don't know if he realized it was for him right away. I guess Brandon likes that movie and Mexican food, so hence the funny card, and there was a contest - each of us were to bring a Mexican dish for Brandon to judge. My enchiladas were 3rd! He seemed to like dips better - they got 1st and 2nd. Mike is a weird one though...there was all this homemade stuff, and what did he eat? He ate my enchiladas (nothing wrong with that, and they are one of his favorite foods, but not really trying anything new either!) and TACO BELL - he eats Taco Bell practically every day for lunch! Someone had short notice about bringing food, so they brought the Taco Bell instead making something. My fave was Donna's buffalo chicken dip (I'll see if I can get the recipe and put it on my cooking blog :-)

Earlier that day Adrienne went to a birthday party for a friend. She had been counting down for it almost 2 weeks in advance! The couple days right before she was talking about it so much that Colette got the idea that she was going too. She was pretty sad that she wasn't, so I spent some mommy and Colette time with her and took her to Toys R Us. I wanted to take her to lunch, but I didn't notice in our indoor light how stained up her clothes were until we were in the outside light. So I bought her an outifit she picked out off the clearance rack at Toys R Us and a coloring book. Then we went to Red Lobster, I got my favorite Coconut Shrimp with Pina Colada sauce, and Colette surprisingly ate it! (thank goodness, since the point was to do something for her), and then of course there's those yummy biscuits. So that was that...one more thing about that day...The skirt I got Colette was white...I debated about whether to get white or not, but did. Then at Brandon's party Colette spilled red punch all over the front of the brand new white skirt, and cut her heel somehow and kneeled and got blood all over the back! But my mad homemaking skills got the stains out and it looks good as new!

1 comment:

Brandi said...

Glad to hear you got the skirt clean again!
Brandi ;0)