I open to the inner depths of my being with courage and compassion

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

House Update

Last week Mike and my dad did more framing on the inside walls downstairs, and also on the bonus room above the garage and the shop. They also got everything ready for the trusses to be put up on Thursday (that had been delivered early earlier in the week and were left on the ground by the truss company) - but Thursday came around and apparently they didn't have in their schedule that they were supposed to be there then, so after much heated correspondence by Mike, my mom, and dad they agreed to come out on Monday (this company has not been good with customer service - if anyone needs to know which truss company NOT to go with, ask me!). Here is a picture of the framing in the bonus room:

Another angle:

The trusses laying on the ground:

Looking down on the bonus room/shop from the top floor:

Monday Mike went back to work after six weeks taking leave without pay, but he took annual to come home early and help with the trusses being put up, here are the girls watching the action from the porch:

The crane:

The girls hamming it up:

The trusses up above the shop:

My dad gave us all a scare the day the trusses went up. He was helping with getting the trusses laid on the walls and I guess he lost his footing or track of where he was and fell 10 feet from the top floor to the main floor onto his back. Probably luckily he sort of ricocheted off of the stair railing and then to the kitchen wall before he landed on the hall floor. He was of course VERY very sore and had some bumps and bruises, but no major injuries or broken bones. Really amazing to everyone considering he's 67! So he's taking it easy this week (understandably) and Mike has been taking off early from work to work on getting the trusses up, so progress has slowed down quite a bit this week. Here is Mike working on the trusses above the dining room and master bedroom:

The sky above the house looked pretty:

Another angle (I was taking these from below, so sorry you can't see the trusses very well):

From the inside:

This was sort of funny. Mike had some BBQ sunflower seeds outside he was eating while working on the house and the bag got carried away by birds. So a few weeks later we started noticing these plants coming up on the freshly dug up dirt behind the shop. At first we couldn't tell what they were, but once they got big enough....Sunflowers! I wonder if they would have grown if there weren't the extra July/August rains.

I wonder if the seeds will be BBQ flavored :-)

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